
How To Use A Brother Vx 1120 Sewing Machine

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  • Page 2 "Of import SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS" When using the sewing car, basic condom precautions should aLwayS be followed including the foltowthg: "Read a}fifty instruct{i earlier using." DANG ----FH - To re0ace the . ,grand of e lectric shack: i Thesew}ngmachineshouldneverbe_64_u_attendedwhenDIuggedth_Aiw_ysu_p_ugthissewthgm_cmne from the electhce! outlet immediately later on using and before cleaning. 2 Ever unplug before irresolute the light seedling.
  • Page 3 "iMPORTANTES INSTRUCCIONES Cuando se usa uea m_quma de coser, debe eeguirse unas precauciones b_sicas y que vienen inciuidas a continuacibe. "Leer las instrucciones antes de usar" Pare redueir e{ eesgo de una descarga electdce. i. La m._qus_a no debe de]ares nueca desateedSda talent.s este conec_ada.
  • Folio 4 FOR USERS IN THE UK, E|RE, Republic of malta AND CYPRUS But. If your sewingmachine is fitted witha 3 pinnomrewireabte BS plug then delight read the f0_10wieg. Important The wires in these main |eerie are ee|oured in ac_ cordance with the post-obit code: If the available socket ou_et is not suitable for the Btue Neutral...
  • Page 5 Changing theBulb ......... O!!ing ............Ctean_ng .._ ..,,.._.o._ ......Operation Cheoklis_ ......:47 Repacking the Machine ......Attachment insertion ........Gathering ..........Darning ..........App_iq ues ..........Attaching Lace ......_....38 Cording. ,.,.; ........Bullheaded Hem Stitch ........Over_ock ..
  • Page 6 Cambio de la bombilla ..:,,..; ..44 Elementos pdncipales ......... Accesorios ..........Engrasado ..........Fut_ionamleefe de la rn_qunna de _ser ..... 3 Limpieza ..........,, Conexidn de los enchufes ....... Listado de p_sibles incidenciaa ....47 Interrupter principal y de luz ....... iv Embalaje de la maquina .
  • Page 7 Principal pans Elementos principales...
  • Page eight Principal PaNs O Needle Position Selector 0 Selector de poslcidn de ta aguja @ Stitch Width Knob @ Selector de ancho de puntada @ Thread Take-up Lever @ Palanca tirahi/oa Q _xtenslon Table ® Soporte de aseeeorios @ Upper Tension Control Dial @ Disco de control de la tensidn superior @ Sew Length Knob @ Se_ctor...
  • Page 9 Funcionamiento de la SEWING MACHINE m quina de coser I, ConecteeJenchufedefresclavijnsnlnmaQulna. I. Connect thethree-prong p luginto themachine.xi is located between the foot controller _nd the En el corddn, se encuentra ublcado entre eJpedal y el enchufe destinado alimentaeidn power supply plug on the string. cordente, Connect the power supply plug into a wall outlet.
  • Page 10 This switch turns the mair_power and sewing _ighton Este interrupter permite apagar y enceadej ta m_ ot eft. quina y ta luz. O Turn on (t0we_ the "_" O Encender (hacia marking} republic of malta _t'_ O Turn off (_owa_'d the"O _ 0 Apagar (hacia la matte mark} When the human foot controller is depressed...
  • Page 11 one. Retire el enchufe de alimentacion de la tome de 1. Remove the power supply plug from the outlet. corriente. 2. Raise the needle bar to its h_ghest position, two. Levante ta barre de la aguja a su poeicidn m_e 3.
  • Page 12 _t m_y be necessary" tO change the presser foot Seg_n sus necesidades de costura puede ser nece. according %oyour sewing needs satio cambiar de prensatelas 1 Raise the needle to ffs highest position by turning 1. Levanle Is aguje a su posicion m&s sit& gitsndo thebs_secewheeitowa_dyou(countsrclockwise_, ts ruedecilia hscis usted (an el sen#practice contrano than _aise the cresset toot lever.
  • Page xiii When the sewing machine is placed on an uneven Si se instals ia maquina de ¢oser en una supefficie surface, turn the ru_r Cushion an the front le_ deSiguaL puede ajuslar sU allure girando el cojinete side of the base of operations plate to adjust Its superlative until de goma qua se et_uentra en la parle inductive the Sewing machine is stabie,...
  • Page 14 To sew in reverse, press down the reverse sewing Para coser hacia atras, apriete a rondo el pulsador button as far every bit possibte and hoed information technology in that posffion de retroceso y reant#ngalo en esa poaieidn mientfa$ while l!ghtly depressing the pes contro!!er. To sew presiona ligeramente el pedal Para velvet a coser forrad;...
  • Page xv By sh#ting this lever to Fifty (left), Thou (heart) or R (right), Si coleca esta patanca en "50" (izquierda), 'Thousand" [me. die), o "FI_(derecha), PedrO,coser puntadas rectos y you can sew together directly and zigzag stitches on the baseline zigzag come up I(nea master AI coser carte de la oritla del te]tdo, conviene selec.
  • Page sixteen: Winding Bobbin

    Enhebrado de la THE Car one. Pla_ the spool of _read on the sp0o! Pm and _ Coloque un earrete de hilo en et porta cart_tes y laissez passer Re thread around the bobbin winding ten* pase el hilo pot e! disco de tensiSn de bobinado sion di_.
  • Folio 17 2 Pasatheendofthethreadthroughtheholeinthe 2 Paseelextremodethiloporetorfficioclelacani#a bobbin from the inside a t_aftir dot interior. three. Coloauelacanitlaenetejedebobinadeydeelice three. Place the bobbin onto the bobbin winding st,aft and s_}de th_ shaft to me right Turn the bobbin dtotto ere hacia la derecha. Gire la cani#a con la mane en et sentido de tas manillas de an function], clockwise.
  • Page 18 Heighten the needle to its highest position by turning 7. Levante ta aguja a su posici6n mas site. girando ta ruedecilla hacia ueted ion e!._entidc eontt'_rio the boI_ca whsel toward y'all (counterclockwise) and raise {he presser foot lever. al de las maneci#ae de un relo]) y levat_te la palansa del preesat_tms.
  • Page 19 1 RaL_ethepreeaerfootlJeingthepreeaerf_otiever 1, Levante et preneatala$ cot_ t8 palatine8 y glre ta tuedecilla h_cia usted ten et sentido centratlo al turn balance wheel toward (eeuntetc_ockwSse) to raise the thread accept-upwards de ta$ maneciltas de un teloj) i_ara $ubir ta palan_ tever to its highest position.
  • Page 20 4, Pul! the thread down and around the upper ten- Tire del hilo hacia abelo, pasando per old/run across de sion con/rot diet from the dght to the left so the comrol de la tens/do superior de ta dereeha ala thread Dicks u_ the thread check spdn.£. (See fig. tzquierda de tel forms que el seize with teeth enganche el A.) While holding the thread every bit sit,own in fig, B, rosette de verificacidn det hilo.
  • Folio 21 ane. Levante et prensafeias y la aguja a sus pesteio- 1_ Raise the presser foot and the needle to their nee mas elevada$. h{ghest positions. two Conlamanoizquierda, aujeteetextremodeth#o two. With your ieft hand_ h0id the end o_ the upper superior. Con ta mane dereeh& gire la ruedecilla thread, W{th your right paw, turn the balance nacre osted fen el seetido contrario ai de Ins wheel toward you (counterclockwise)
  • Page 22 Su m_euina de c_o._er h a side ten,admonish pore podet Your sewing machine is designed for twin needle stitch{ng, which a!lows you to run up using two upper utilizer una aguja doble y perrnitir la costura con dos threads. Y'all tin osethe aforementioned color ertwo dissimilar hilos supertores.
  • Page 23: Thread Tension

    Thread tension w_llaffect the qua_ityof your stitches La tensisn de los hires ea muy !roper!ante pare la it may need to be adapted when you change material ca#dad de tas pun!arias y puede requedr oierto Orthread _pe: ajuste a! sernbiar de tejido o de hi!east, NOTE: NOTA: Itis recommended that a examination...
  • Page 24 D. Tenst6n eorrecta D Correct tension Es importantetenet una teasi6n correcta dado Correct tension }e important since too much or que una tenai6n inaufiaienteo demasiada titan. too footling tension volition weaken your seams or te va a debi/itar sus ¢ostutaso frunc[r el tejido. cause puckers in your fable, 0 Rev6s Revere...
  • Folio 25 Tabla de relaci6n entre tejidos, hilos y agujas Algod6n: 80 Sint#tico Punto fino, Encaje fino, Lino fino, Muy fino Seda, Tul, Gasa AtgodSn Mercerfa fina. Potiester envue#o de at- Prendas de punto simple, de boia xiv Prendas de punto godSn de punto doble, Bailiwick of jersey, Tricot NOTA: 1, Elija la aguja y el hilo _rrectos en Jatabta arrib&...
  • Page 26 STITCH LENGTH LARGO DE PUNTADA ST{TCH WIDTH ANCHO DE PUNTADA 4, Fifty R (Cua_do employ NEEDLE POSITION POS!CIKJN DE LA AGUJA iguja gemeie_, la toe,cite aiempre ser,_M) PRESSER Human foot PRENSA TE_S Zigzag NEEDLE AGUdA Uncomplicated Slatting Sewing Pat_t etnpezer a coseq; £...
  • Page 27 _mbio de sent_do de ¢ostuta Irresolute Sewing Dite_ton t, Stop the machine at the point where you wish to Skin ta maquina con ta aguja picada en el tejido, ee donde quiera cambiar de sentido, Si la aguja c_ange directions with the needJe stil_ in the queda en ta pes_ci6n tevantade (fuera del tejido) fabric_ ff the needle ends in the up _sitisn tum the...
  • Page 28 Removing the Materiel from the Machine Para retirar el tejido de te m_quina 1. Stoo the machine. 1. Par_ Is maquina. 2. Turn residue wheel toward 2. Gire la ruedecitta bahia usfed (an el see#do tcounterc_eckwise) to bring the needle and thread contrario ai de tas manes!lies de un re!or) skin take-upward Lever to their highest position, tevantar la aguJa y le patanea tirahites a su mas...
  • Page 29 No hay qoe tire€ del tejido; deje que ta maquina Io De net pull the material: allow the machine exercise the work. atimente sofa, $61o hay qua gaiar el tejido con tos But guide the mater_at with your finge_s in forepart ot dedos por delante del prensatelas, falcomoindica the presser foot as shown in fig,A.
  • Page xxx !4 (skin puntadas de 1=4 (For the Satin Stitch LARGO DE PUNTADA realce, porter en F) Sew together LENGTH fix at F.) 1_5 (pare coser con ta i:5 IForbelnneedle ANCHO DE PUNTADA agula doblei uti_iee siempre STITCH W_DTH sewing, a_ways use a ue ajuste interior a 3) se_r_ of less than 3,)
  • Page 31 SATIN Sew PUNTADA8 DE REALCE When the stitc_ length is set up in the F range and the Cuando el largo de puntada consume# pu_e en /a zone stitch "width is set above ane, information technology produces a Satin Sew F y que el anchO de puntada es supedor a t, la (a dose zigzag run up)= The Satin Stitch car} be used m_quina vaa coser una puntada de reales (una...
  • Page 32 Set between 0 and 1 (F) for LARGO DE PUNTADA Ajusts_ entre 0 y ! (F) skin STITCH LENGTH the Satin Stitch. coset puntada$ de reatce. See _hetab_ on the ne_ VOa_ la tabular array en la Sew WIDTH ANCHO DEPUNTADA sicJUiente p_gina, folio.
  • Folio 33 Repeatedly move the stitch w_dth knob at an even speed from 0to 5, and so from 5 to 0 white depressing the foot contro_ st an even speed, Annotation." For twin needle sewing, echo- edty move the sew w_dthknob from 0 to 3, so from 3to 0, Repeated{y move the stitch width knob from 0 to 5, then #ore 5 to 0 more slow!y than for the shape...
  • Folio 34 Mueva repetidarnente et bet6a de ancho de puatada a velecidad constante entre 0 y 5, y lae#o entre 5 y 0 mJentras preaiona el pedal a una velocided constant& NOTA: Peel costuras con la aguja doble, mueva repetidamente el selector de ancho de puatade de Oa three y de 3aO.
  • Page 35 Aiustar entre 0 y t (F) skin Set between 0 and t (F) for LARGO DE PUNTADA STITCH LENGTH the Satin Sew puntada _ reales, STITCH WIDTH Come across the instructions 1 3clew. V#anse tas inst_¢cionss a ANCHO DE PUNTADA co_tfnas_, NEEDLE POSITION R (dght _it_n) POSIC/_NDE L4AGUJA...
  • Page 36 Paso D: _o izquierdo Stop D_Le_ Row 1, Levanteel prensatelas. 1. L_ the presser foot. 2, Gire et tejide de 180 grades sir_ndese de fa 2. "rum the matede1180 degrees using the needle as an axis and set the sew width to 0. This will aguja come place giratoda y ajuste el ancho de move the fabdc siightly: Lower the presser foot, puntade en O.Ei tejido vaa mover ligeramente.
  • Page 37 OPTIONAL PROCEDURE FOR BUTTONHOLES M_todo culling pars eoser ojales Paso A?Remate delantero Footstep A: Bar Tack I Ajoste la posici6n de la aguja en "L_,due east! ancho de t. Set the needle position at "L", stitch width at "five" puntade en "5, y el largo de puntada en _ and stitch length at "0"_ 2.
  • Page 38 LARGO DE PUNTADA Sew LENGTH _t co-ordinate to the OeSe de#n/fee de acuerdo ANCHO DE PUNTADA la distenciae_istet#e entrelos ST|TCH WIDTH distance between the hc4es_ NEEDLE POSmON LOrR PRESSER Pes PRENSA TELAS Zigzag NEEDLE $ingie AGUJA t Simple OTROS Plac_ de zur_r OTHER Dem_ P!ete...
  • Folio 39 Pate crest una can/prevarication de bile en el bot6n Button Plumbing equipment with Thread Shank The thread shank of a button _s o_tenneeded when S_se cose en tejidos rods g_esos, es cenveniente baser una tin/Its de h/to en toe botones, sewing on heavier textile. I_ Cotoque el bot6n entre el orensatetas y e! teJldo.
  • Page xl STITCH LENGTH Sew WIDTH NEEDLE PosmoN PRESSER FOOT NEEDLE The z_pper human foot is used to sew on various types of La pate de cremalieras sirve pare coser vark_s tipos zippers and cBn easily be posi_oned to the right or de crematteras y puede instalatse facilmente hacia left s_de of the needle.
  • Folio 41 1, Lower the needle into a test D_ece of {abric and 7. Bajelaagu!aenunpedazodetelaparahacerena arrange the zipper foot only dghto_ taft of the need{due east orueba y s,@ste la pats de cremalleras lusto ala The foot should be close but not to_ch the needle, derecha o a ]a _zquierda de la aguja, La pata debe NeedFe eneontrarse muy cetca de la agu.ta stn tocarta.
  • Page 42 LARGODEPUNTADA ANCHO DE PUNTADA i, Suelte ia teneidn de! hilo eupeflDf (haste aifede. 1 Loosen the tension of the Upper thread (re well-nigh 2) S0 that the lower thread lies On the underside der de 2) para que el hilo inferior se encuenfre Of the matedaL tirante en el rev_s de! te]ido Cosaunasolalineadepuntadasrectasedistin.
  • Page 43 5, Repita ta operaeidn haste que et zurcida se haya v. Repeat this motility Untg the portion ts _ darned completade creands unascuantes tfneasde pun, Ksfiil_ with para_lei {tees of stitching. See fig. 13 lades paralelas. Vease fig, B. STITCH LENGTH [ LARGO DE PUNTADA Run up WIDTH NEEDLE POSITION...
  • Folio 44 STITCH LENGTH LARGO DE PUNTADA I 2-4 STITCH WIDTH NEEDLE POS|T$ON PRESSER FOOT NEEDLE AGUJA Simple 1. Placethe lace under the matedal leaving a 5 mm Insta/e et e_e debajo del tejido dejande que ae (1/5") overlap at the edge, superpongan de v mm (125") en las erlllas.
  • Page 45 STITCH LENGTH j LARGO DE PUNTADA F'_ustcde a#uerdo ¢onlo_ STITCH W_DTH ANCHO DE PUNTADA I gn_cso del corddn 7o Fc E A UJAt NEEDLE POSITION _ PRENSATELAS PRESSER Human foot AGLUA NEEDLE Single i. Ajuste el ancho de puntada para que la aguja !.
  • Folio 46 STITCH LENGTH Run up WIDTH I 3_5 NEEDLE POSITION PRESSER FOOT NEEDLE La puntada de debtadilto in visible sirve para terminar The Bullheaded Hem Sew is used to stop the edge of a la orilla de una obra, tal co[no el borde inferior de toe project, _ikethe bottom of a p_r of pants,Without the pantatones, sin que se vea la costur&...
  • Page 47 OOE U TAOA t STITCH LENGTH Sew together W{DTH I PFIENSATELAS Zigzag PRESSER FOOT Z_gzag I NEEDLE POSITION NEEDLE SIng_ Fifty AGUJA Simple The Ovedock Stitch is used to prevent the edge Of La puntada de rebatido sa us pard evitar qua la the material from fraying.
  • Page 48 STITCH LENGTH Set at whatever position. LARGO DE PUNTADA Cualqular p#sicidn STITCH WIDTH ANCHO DE PUNTADA NEEDLE POSITION POSIClON DE LA AGUJA Retirado PRESSER FQOT PRENSA TELAS None NEEDLE AGL]JA Simple Sir@eastward Identify de zumir OTROS Dam_ngplate OTHERS Preparing for monogramming and embroidering Pteparacl6a para monograrnaa y bordados...
  • Page 49 Monogramming Menogramss i. Run up moving the hoop slowty _ng the lettering at 1_ Cosa meviendo el bastidor lentamente per !every bit a constant speed, letras, a una velocidad _onatante. 2 Secure w|tha few straight stitches at the finish of 2. Tetmine con unas pu_tadae rectae de eecJuridad the last lette_: al final de la [_ttima letra.
  • Page 50 t, Desenchufe la m_qUina, 1. Remove the power supply plug from the outlet: 2. Afleje el tomillo de la cubietta de la m_quina tel two, Loosen the face up plate screw as shown _nfig, A. come _ indioa en la fig, A. three Remove the f_ce plate from the machine as 3, Retire la cubierta de la m&quina tel come se...
  • Page 51 _, Desanchufe la m_quina. one, Remove the ability supply plug from Me oat!at 2, Pooga 2 6 iii gotas de aceite en cads uno de toe ii. Put 2 to 3 drops of oil at each of the points Indicated Jnfig, A; puntos sa_alados en la fig, A iii, Despues de lubricar la m_quina, h_gala funcio- three.
  • Page 52 Removing the Shuttle Hook Pars sacar el garfio de la #anzadera I Levante la aguja a su posiciSn rn_s sits. 1, Raise the n_te to its highest position. ii, Openthe shuttle sever on the forepart of the freesrm. 2. Abra ta cubierta exterior de! gatfio, entrants dot braze libra.
  • Page 53 Cleaning the Feed Dogs Limpt_ de tos alimentadores i, Remove ti_ eeedie p!ateUsing a coinor screw_ 1. Retire laplaca de agujas, aflejande los tomillos driver to removethe screws con una moneda o united nations destemillador. 2_ Cleanthe}intfromtheupper_artefthefeeddogs two. Con united nations cepilto; limp,s las hilachas de los dientee and shu:ttie race body w_tha brash.
  • Page 54 I Thread tension is ] tv hre orceot. Folio 12-15 Page 5 of needle size/ thread size/textile l The combination isincorrect, Folio eighteen...
  • Page 55 Pagine 12 P_gina 46.47 ' ii' ° El hito no est_ bien enbebrado P_gina thirteen...
  • Folio 56 IPowe, eupp_y _lug ] is removed from t StitchLeng_ Needle is not Lintieeliegingt° outlet, Pe_o Po;o , _ ,o P_"" l."° Page iii l North° IMaln ability switch l The eombineti°north lof needle size/ Inferior needle _e / thread size/fabric _ I used, I {esufficieet oiIing_.
  • Page 57 Pagina iv eSt_ p uosfe p _ _binar canilla € P_Jgina fO...
  • Page 58 Keep the carton and packing materia|s farfuture utilize. Guards la caja de cartOn y el embal_ie por ai acaso _t may become neces._,aryto reship the sewing necestta transporter la m_quina en el futuro. United nations car: _mpreper pack{ng or improper packing embalaje inadecuado o con mat eriates inapropiadas material could upshot in damage dedn9 shipping.
  • Page 59 P_gina A_esorlos, 2 Aguja Camblo ............five Vetfficaci6n ..........Aplica_es . .; ..:......... Bobinado de la canilla ......Bombl//a Cambio de la bombilla ......Interrupter ,o:..,_,...._..,,....4 Bofdado ........C6mo c_set tejidos delgados ......22 Darning ..
  • Folio 60 Page P_gina Perform_ Checklist ........47 Modafidad b_e libre ........... PrincipalParts...._ ....... 1,ii Monogramas ..... ;..., ..;..;,.,;.,...,; Relative Nautical chart of Sewing Fabrics. Needles and Ojalee ............Threads ............Repacktng ............Reverse Sewing Bu_on ........Pedal ............Puntade de rebatido ....;......
  • Page 62 IMPORTADOR: Blood brother INTERNATIONAL DE United mexican states S.,A. ARQUlMEDES 219-A COL, CHAPULTEPEC MORALES MEXICO D.F, C,P, 11570 TEL (915)203 26 62 ANTES DE USAR LA MAQUINA LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE ESTE _RACTERISTICAS ELECTRICAS: Consumo de Potencla 90 W Tension Nominal V ca 60 Hz...

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How To Use A Brother Vx 1120 Sewing Machine,


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