
What Is Immunocal Used For

Product Details

Immunocal® is proven with over 40 years of Clinical Inquiry to increment intra-cellular Glutathione, also known every bit Your Trunk'due south Most Powerful Healing Agent!

Immunocal® is a pharmaceutical-class milk serum protein isolate similar to human being milk. It contains bonded cysteine® which are effective edifice blocks or precursors for your torso'southward own cells to produce Glutathione. Unlike normal cysteine supplements, bonded cysteine® is surrounded past a shell of protein that protects information technology until it can be captivated by your cells. In one case captivated, cysteine allows your body to enhance Glutathione, and that ensures a healthier y'all.

Immunocal® is an organic preparation that is listed as "Mostly Recognized As Safe" (GRAS) past the US FDA and is endorsed past Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 noble prize winner for medicine.

Not only does Immunocal® help to increase immunity, it also helps to increase your body's most powerful antioxidant, detoxify toxic metals & provides you with free energy.

What is Glutathione (GSH)?

GSH is a tripeptide that is naturally occurring in every single cell of your trunk. "GSH levels are high in the immature and salubrious and low in the anile and sick" (The Lancet. Vol. 351(9103) pp 645-646). Thus, GSH is likewise known as Your Body'southward Nigh Powerful Healing Amanuensis!

Kickoff discovered in 1888, GSH'southward main part is to protect the body from the negative furnishings of costless radical damage. All living things are born with the ability to make their own GSH inside the cells. There are numerous studies that chronicle longevity with high levels of GSH.

three Chief Functions of Glutathione (A.I.D.)

Optimizing cellular GSH enables your body'south defence against bombardments by free radicals, diseases, pollutants, carcinogens (cancer causing agents) and toxins. GSH'south importance to your health cannot be overstated. Scientific research on GSH has been extensive in the past twoscore years with highly recognized published peer reviewed medical papers totalling to more 160,000.

Eating GSH has negligible effect on your health. It is speedily cleaved downwardly during digestion and eliminated. GSH must be manufactured within your cells, which is exactly where it appears – in every cell of your torso. Immunocal® is the only supplement proven to increase intra-cellular Glutathione (GSH).

Possible clinical applications for elevated Glutathione levels

(Extracted from "Glutathione GSH – Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent" by Dr. Jimmy Gutman (Dr., FACEP))

  • Parkinson'due south disease
  • Alzheimer'southward affliction
  • Seizures
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Autism
Infectious Disease and Immunology
  • Anti-viral (AIDS, hepatitis, herpes, mutual cold, etc)
  • Bacterial infection
  • Certain autoimmune dysfunction
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Immunosuppression
  • Prevent heart disease
  • Foreclose stroke
  • Foreclose atherosclerosis
  • Prevent reperfusion injury
  • Cancer prevention
  • Suppress tumor growth
  • Eliminate carcinogens, mutagens
  • Retard oxidative damage to DNA
  • Ease side furnishings of chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Prevent wasting disease
Digestive Arrangement
  • Inflammatory bowel affliction
  • Hepatitis
  • Malnutrition
  • Pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcer
  • Suspension up fungus (esp. cystic fibrosis)
  • Asthma
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Emphysema
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Detoxifies certain drug overdoses
  • Detoxifies substances in cigarette smoke, car frazzle
  • Detoxifies pollutants including heavy metals, pesticides
  • Prevents hearing loss from noise disturbance
  • Detoxifies many well-known carcinogens
  • Enhances athletic performance
  • Decreases recovery fourth dimension from concrete stress / injury
  • Decreases cholesterol and oxidation of LDL
  • Supports haemoglobin in kidney failure
Eye Diseases
  • Cataracts
  • Macular degeneration
  • Glaucoma
Pregnancy, Lactation & Childbirth
  • GSH and diabetes in pregnancy
  • GSH and toxicology in pregnancy
  • GSH, childbirth and the perinatal period
  • GSH and lactation
Learn More Almost Glutathione And A.I.D. Click Hither


Increasing intra-cellular Glutathione by consuming effective precursors (Immunocal®) – The Benefits

  1. Regulation of cell growth and division.
  2. Improves liver health.
  3. Deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis and repair.
  4. Protein synthesis: maintains our proteins in their proper form.
    Its sulfur atom reacts with unnatural sulfur-sulfur bonds in proteins, breaking them and allowing the proper pairings to form.
  5. Metabolism of toxins.
  6. Metabolism of carcinogens.
    Glutathione enzymes transform carcinogens, through chemical reaction, to unreactive and non-genotoxic compounds that can be eliminated without causing impairment to the cell or DNA.
  7. Metabolism of xenobiotics.
    Glutathione interacts with strange chemical compounds, neutralize, break them down and eliminate them from the trunk.
  8. Conjugation to heavy metals.
    GSH joins with heavy metals to neutralize them and eliminate them from the torso.
  9. Enhancement of systemic allowed function- reproduction of white blood cells.
    Cellular GSH besides affects the growth and replication of T-cells through growth stimulating cytokines.
  10. Enhancement of humoral immune function.
  11. Resistance to UV radiations.
    Glutathione detoxifies reactive oxygen radicals created by radiation which reduces the harm to the cell. Glutathione also interacts covalently and noncovalently with parts of the cell that go on the cell from triggering apoptosis (jail cell death). Apoptosis doesn't occur when cells are cancerous.
  12. Decreases radiation damage.
  13. Decreases gratis radical impairment.
  14. Recycling of other antioxidants.
    Glutathione recycles oxidized lipoic acid, vitamins C and East by restoring them to an active country, generally past donating the electrons that they utilise in metabolizing complimentary radicals.
  15. Storage and transport of cysteine.
  16. Participation in nutrient metabolism.
  17. Immune system booster.

Ingredients Highlight

Patented Humanized Native Milk Serum Poly peptide Isolate

Natural, Nutritional, Bioactive & Undenatured Whey Poly peptide Isolate.

Bonded Cysteine®

The missing ingredient or amino acid in our nutrition that your body needs to manufacture its own Glutathione.

Instance Histories

Extracted from "Glutathione GSH-Your Body's Most Powerful Healing Agent" by Dr. Jimmy Gutman (Dr., FACEP)

The Breast Cancer Survivor

Quebecer Ivy-Marie is a very active thirty-seven year-old breast cancer survivor. After undergoing her initial surgery, the pathologist's study suggested she undergo a dozen sessions of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. She experienced many side-furnishings, including profound weakness and fatigue – a new feel for her.

After ten sessions of therapy and many visits to her dr. to treat side-effects, she was put on thirty gm/day of the whey protein concentrate Immunocal®. Her forcefulness and sense of well-beingness improved within a week and she tolerated her terminal ii sessions of chemotherapy with few side-effects. She is back to her usual routine, and remains disease-gratis.

The Ovarian Cancer Survivor

Complaining of abdominal pain, Louisa from Alberta was 54 when she found out she had ovarian cancer. While awaiting surgery, she fell ill with a persistent cough and malaise which turned out to be metastasis (spreading cancer) which had traveled to her lung. She ultimately needed pelvic surgery to relieve her discomfort, but decided not to undergo handling for her lung metastasis.

She started taking Immunocal® and multivitamins daily and noticed a great improvement later on several weeks. 4 months subsequently, echo chest x-rays showed no increase in tumor size. Ix months subsequently the radiographs revealed a decrease in tumor size. Louise continues to relish tending to her family and household.

Clinical Research / Credibility

Immunocal® is the result of many years of rigorous research past leading and award-winning scientist/surgeon Dr. Gustavo Bounous while he was a researcher at the world-renowned McGill University.
Immunocal® is an organic preparation that is clinically proven and guaranteed to raise intra-cellular GSH levels by providing the important precursors or edifice blocks.

It contains ingredients similar to man milk and that is why it is also known as "Humanized Milk Serum Protein Isolate" (Chapter 42 "Neutraceutical Modulation of Glutathione with a Humanized Native Milk Serum Protein Isolate, Immunocal®: Application in AIDS and Cancer" extracted from the book "Oxidative Stress in Aids, Cancer and Neurodegenerative Diseases" past Dr. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine 2008 for discovering the HIV / Aids virus).

It tin can be safely taken by children, adults, elderly, healthy and unhealthy individuals for immunity boosting and anti-ageing.

Credibility of Immunocal® :

  • The Natural Health Products Directorate of Canada has issued a Natural Production Number (NPN-80004370) for the specific health claim: " Immunocal® is a natural source of the Glutathione precursor cysteine for the maintenance of a strong immune system." This is unique to the manufacture.
  • Listed equally "Generally Recognized As Safety" (GRAS) by the U.s. FDA = Safe!
  • Listed in the US Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR) and Chemist's shop Red Book = Credible!
  • Qualifies for coverage by the US Medicare / Medicaid (only for cancer and HIV) under stringent atmospheric condition = Proven!
  • Rare endorsement by world class scientists such as Dr. Luc Montagnier who was besides the winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering the HIV / Aids virus = Outstanding!
  • 75 patents approved in 29 countries. In US alone, in that location are "Method-of-Use" patents for "Improving Active Systemic Humoral Immune Response", "Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Compositions" and "Method of Treatment of HIV-Seropositive Individuals".
  • Special METHOD-OF-Apply patent in Singapore which is unique for its class, herein quoted every bit: "…in an amount effective to replenish depleted cellular Glutathione (GSH), enhance the immune response and exert anti-cancer effects" = Exceptional!
  • Rare listing in the Canadadian Compendium of Pharmaceuticals Specialties (CPS) with a NPN to be officially recognized for the claim: "Immunocal® is effective in maintaining the allowed system". = Unique!
  • 37 Medical Publications on Immunocal® in peer-reviewed medical journals. Click Here
  • Classified equally Nutraceutical in the US ie. A nutritional production with pharmaceutical validity and indications.
  • Has been widely used by specialist doctors and GPs here for many years.

Those who have experienced the benefits of Immunocal® know that it is a premium, high-quality supplement that is unmatched!!


"We literally cannot survive without this miraculous antioxidant."

Dr. Earl Mindell
What You Should Know About the Super Antioxidant Miracle

"In view of existing scientific data, all we can expect from the environment is continued pollution, ozone depletion and increased virulence. I think that enhanced GSH levels will allow for a better quality of life. The limiting factor in the proper activity of our lymphocytes (our defense cells) is the availability of GSH."

Dr. Gustavo Bounous
Researcher and leading authorisation on GSH and diet, McGill University, Montreal.

"Your life depends on Glutathione. Without it, your liver would shrivel up and die from the overwhelming accumulation of toxins, your cells would disintegrate from unrestrained oxidative stress and your body would have niggling resistance to bacteria, viruses or cancers."

Dr. Jimmy Gutman (MD, FACEP)
Glutathione GSH-Your Body'southward Most Powerful Healing Amanuensis

"You lot must get your levels of GSH up if you desire to proceed your youth and live longer. Loftier claret levels of GSH predict good wellness as yous age and a long life. Depression levels predict early on disease and expiry."

Jean Carper
Stop Ageing Now!

John T. Pinto of Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York proclaims GSH "The Primary Antioxidant"

Press Release

  • one. November 22, 2006 – Scientists at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and Immunotec Research Ltd accept initiated a study in which Immunocal® will exist used to heighten Glutathione levels in an attempt to lessen symptoms of autism.
  • 2. November, 2014 – Immunotec Inc., a leader in the nutritional manufacture, is pleased to announce important findings from a double-blind-randomized controlled study in elderly adults between the ages of 65 and 88. The results prove that Immunocal® with statistical significance imparts a operation benefit of approximately x% in muscle strength. This is very relevant for healthy ageing, equally the process is typically associated with a decrease in muscle forcefulness that may contribute to disability in former age and to loss of quality of life.

Questions & Answers

What is Immunocal®?

Immunocal® is a bioactive whey protein isolate which shares many of the same immune promoting and enhancing properties as human milk. Information technology contains un-denatured precursors or building blocks for our body to manufacture Glutathione. Glutathione is our body's Chief Anti-oxidant, Immune Booster and Detoxifier (A.I.D.) and is found in every tissue and cells in our trunk.

What is a whey protein "isolate"?

Whey proteins can be produced in different concentrations. "Regular" whey protein can be anywhere from 20% to 70%. Whey protein "concentrates" are between 70% to xc%. A whey protein "isolate" is over ninety% pure protein. Technically this is difficult and expensive to achieve without harming the protein's structure.

Why is a whey protein isolate desirable?

Only isolates have thoroughly removed the fat, fat-soluble toxins, water, water-soluble toxins, lactose, and other contaminants from the protein. It is the "purest" form of poly peptide with the highest biological value (BV).

What is biological value (BV) of a protein?

Not all proteins are the same. The divergence lies in the biological value (BV) of the protein. The BV of a poly peptide indicates how useful the poly peptide is to your body. The higher the BV, the more than useful and of import for your body. Immunocal® provides all the essential amino acids you need for survival and is healthier for yous than any other proteins as it has the highest known BV like to human milk. This makes it exceptionally benign for those who are not eating enough proteins and those with muscle wasting, not forgetting that it also helps to increment your torso's most powerful anti-oxidant, immune boosting and detoxifying functions.

What is the difference betwixt betwixt Immunocal® and other whey proteins?

Immunocal® is thermolabile or oestrus sensitive. Immunotec's proprietary manufacturing procedure preserves the critical disulfide bonds in the Glutathione precursor cysteine. By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the body to create Glutathione and optimize the immune system. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using loftier heat (pasteurization) and harsh methods of mixing, which destroys or denatures the natural bioactivity of the whey protein, making them ineffective and without immune-boosting, antioxidant and detoxification backdrop Immunocal® has.

Immunocal® is organic, contains less than one% fat, lactose and casein and therefore, is safe for individuals who are lactose intolerant.

Immunocal® is supported with extensive research published in peer-reviewed medical journals, listed in the US PDR (Physicians' Desk-bound Reference), Pharmacy Red Book and the Canadian CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties). There are no scientific studies on other whey proteins to show the same immune boosting effects that are seen with Immunocal® .

What is a "peer-reviewed" journal?

"Peer-reviewed" means that an article is scrutinized and criticized for quality and validity by other doctors and scientists before information technology can be published. Manufactures that don't stand to this scrutiny are rejected. Most submissions are initially rejected. This screens for misguided or inaccurate statements.

What are the The states PDR and Canadian CPS?

The US PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference) and the Canadian CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties) are published yearly and distributed to all the doctors and pharmacists in the country. Information technology holds all the prescribing information for drugs. Withal, Immunocal® is not a drug. Information technology is one of the rare natural substances that hold a position in these publications.

There are other whey protein isolates that merits to have enquiry as well. True?

When these "enquiry" are actually examined, usually you will find that they are quoting piece of work done past Dr. Bounous, Dr. Kongshavn, Dr. Droge or other prominent scientists done on Immunocal® . This does not mean that their products piece of work as well. They are experiments done in a laboratory or on laboratory animals, non in human beings.

What is Glutathione (GSH) and how important is it to our health?

GSH is present in every cell of our trunk and has to be manufactured inside the cells. Scientific studies have shown that GSH level is high in the young and good for you and low in the old and ill. (The Lancet Vol.351 (9103) pp 645-646). Without GSH, we die. As a event of normal jail cell metabolism, damaging by-products known as 'free radicals' are released. The trunk is equipped with a variety of protective mechanisms to neutralize these dangerous substances. GSH is our torso's master antioxidant which neutralizes gratis radicals directly and reduces risks of cell damage by costless radicals which tin lead to diseases, illnesses and ageing. Other lesser antioxidants non produced by our body such as vitamins C & E are dependent on GSH for their proper functions to achieve optimal antioxidation activeness. This is why GSH is also known to be the centre of cellular antioxidation. GSH stimulates our immune response by increasing the production of our defense cells, lymphocytes. This helps in combating infections.

Evidences have been shown in HIV-infected individuals whose GSH concentrations in their blood lymphocytes are depression, compared to salubrious individuals. It has also been shown that the more GSH such patients carry in their CD4 helper T-cells, cells primarily targeted past the HIV virus, the longer these patients are likely to survive. In fact, low GSH levels are ordinarily plant amongst the elderly, those undergoing cancer treatment, and among patients suffering from autoimmune and allowed deficiency diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The highest level of GSH can be found in our liver, our major detoxifying organ. This is important in ensuring that our body is capable of removing toxic wastes due to exposure to pollutants, carcinogens and radiation. GSH works within the liver, lung, colon, kidney and skin in the process of removing toxic and eliminating cellular metabolic wastes. Although the importance of GSH has been known for decades, it was non until recently that medical experts found a fashion to increase intra-cellular GSH naturally and effectively. Immunocal® has allowed promoting backdrop like to human milk and contains the effective bonded-cysteine® delivery system that ensures prison cell GSH level is raised and sustained naturally, safely and effectively.

Is information technology useful to accept GSH pills or pulverisation which are easily available in wellness food stores?

GSH is produced within the cells (intra-cellularly). When eaten, it has non been shown in clinical studies to be captivated in the claret stream simply is broken down during digestion and eliminated. Taking food that is rich in GSH also results in non-absorption and has very trivial effect in raising GSH level in the body. The most effective and natural style that has been proven scientifically to raise intra-cellular GSH is by giving our cells precursors (building blocks) to industry GSH itself. The 3 bioactive proteins or bonded-cysteine® in Immunocal® establish a natural 'delivery arrangement' from the cystine precursors to the cells. These cystine precursors are hands transported inside the jail cell whereby they can be quickly converted to cysteine upon cell entry and synthesized into GSH. The availability of cysteine determines how much GSH tin can be made in our cells. However, cysteine every bit a dietary supplement tin promote hypercysteinemia and is potentially toxic hence, is non recommended.

Is Immunocal® safe and beneficial for pregnant and lactating mothers?

Immunocal® contains proteins similar to man milk. Hence, taking Immunocal® is as safe as taking mother'due south milk. Also, Immunocal® is listed as GRAS (More often than not Recognized As Safe) past the United states FDA and is probably the safest milk derived product in the earth with numerous credibility and clinical proofs. If a pregnant mother tin drink milk, she can most certainly take Immunocal® to achieve and maintain optimal levels of GSH.

In pregnancy, women undergo drastic physiological changes and are susceptible to the environment. In that location are evidences that showed depression GSH levels in pregnant mothers increase the risks of gestational hypertension, diabetes and eclampsia. Also, according to contempo research, the foetus seems to be low in antioxidant defences and depends on its mother'due south good health to ensure healthy foetal development. The procedure of organ evolution (organogenesis) is extremely sensitive, but at this stage is especially well protected past higher GSH levels. And there is every reason to believe it would also assistance infants suffering from diminished liver function (jaundice). Ensuring high level of GSH to optimize the A.I.D. (AID) functions will ensure that the pregnant and lactating mothers are in their best of health.

What is the difference between colostrum and Immunocal®?

Commercially available source of colostrum is usually from cow. It is produced during the start 26 hours following birth of cows which are vaccinated with antigen-specific viruses. This ways that such colostrum is useful for just those viruses inoculated into the cow. Notwithstanding, this postulated mechanism of action of inter-species transfer of allowed factors has Non been clinically proven. Information that are used to show effectiveness in increasing allowed function are not statistically significant and usually anecdotal (consisting more often than not of personal testimonies rather than published clinical studies).

Colostrum has Not been demonstrated to be superior to Immunocal® and does not have whatever of the credibility Immunocal® has under its chugalug. The proteins in colostrum have no cystine content, which is critically essential to the synthesis of GSH to attain immuno-enhancing, antioxidation and detoxification backdrop. On the contrary, the effectiveness of Immunocal® has been demonstrated in numerous homo clinical trials which found statistically significant increases in GSH and indices of immune function such every bit the CD4:CD8 ratios. The clinical data is significantly more disarming for Immunocal® . Non forgetting the credibilities of Immunocal® including list in the Usa PDR (Physicians' Desk-bound Reference), Chemist's shop Red Book and Canadian CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties).

Can a person who is lactose intolerant take Immunocal®?

Yes. The lactose in Immunocal® is removed during its production. Less than 1% lactose remains and legally, the product can exist called "lactose-free". Therefore, it is rubber even in the most severe instance of lactose intolerant.

Information technology should be noted that lactose intolerant is different from milk allergy. (meet Q15 below)

Can someone with milk allergy take Immunocal®?

Nigh people who claimed to have milk "allergy" are actually not allergic to milk but are lactose intolerant, therefore tin take Immunocal® as information technology is lactose-free. Majority (80%) of people who are actually allergic to milk proteins are to a protein called "casein". In that location is very piffling casein in Immunocal® (less than 1.five%) and so it is safety to take. For those who have a true allergy to milk proteins, they should avoid it if they could non tolerate female parent'south milk as the proteins in Immunocal® are similar to human milk.

Tin can I take other supplements if I take Immunocal®?

Definitely. In fact, increased level of GSH from the intake of Immunocal® helps to improve the action of wellness supplements which usually comprise antioxidant vitamins. Immunocal® increases GSH levels (endogenous antioxidant ie. antioxidant produced past our torso) and this helps better the action of exogenous (not produced by the body) antioxidant vitamins. For this reason, mega-doses of antioxidant supplements are not required if you are taking Immunocal® every bit the raised GSH volition optimize the functions of the other antioxidants. Low levels of GSH have been shown to exist associated with illness and illness. Immunocal® helps to optimize and maintain our GSH levels so that the health supplements we are taking will work more effectively to maintain optimum wellness.

Volition Immunocal® impact the medications I am taking?

No. Immunocal® contains proteins similar to human being milk. Hence, taking Immunocal® is as safety as taking mother's milk. In fact, if you lot are taking medications, increased levels of GSH resulting from taking Immunocal® will help control and meliorate the medical conditions you are suffering by its antioxidant, immune enhancing and detoxification pathways. (A.I.D.) Even so, individuals who had undergone organ transplant should not take Immunocal® as the allowed system needs to be suppressed in order to prevent organ rejection.

Please take note that implants are Non transplant. Patients with implants can have Immunocal® safely.

Are there any side effects associated with Immunocal®?

Immunocal® contains proteins similar to human being milk. Hence, taking Immunocal® is as safe as taking mother'south milk. Unless you are allergic to these specific proteins or human being milk (which is very rare and please take note that lactose intolerance is NOT a milk allergy), in that location is no side furnishings associated with Immunocal® .

Since Immunocal® contains proteins, can gout sufferers who should refrain from taking protein rich food accept Immunocal®?

Gout is an abnormality of uric acid metabolism that results in the deposition of sodium urate crystals in joints, soft tissue and the urinary tract. Overproduction or nether-excretion of uric acrid may cause high levels of uric acrid in the blood. A high dietary intake of purine-rich proteins, such as internal organs, meat extracts, peas and shellfish, may exist another factor. Milk has low levels of purine, hence is safe for those suffering from gout. In fact, Immunocal® is very beneficial for gout sufferers as raised GSH levels from the intake of Immunocal® can help to reduce inflammation and free radicals assail on the affected tissues and ameliorate the status due to its A.I.D. deportment. (A.I.D.)

One cannot totally refrain from taking protein as the torso needs essential amino acids for proper functioning. The body cannot brand these amino acids and therefore, we need to consume them in our diet. Immunocal® offers the best source of protein with high BV and nearly chiefly, helps to achieve the A.I.D. effects.

Who cannot have Immunocal®?

Anyone with a specific allergy to the components. It contains less than 1% lactose so tin be safely taken by lactose-intolerant individuals.

Those who had undergone organ transplant should not take the product because their allowed organization needs to be suppressed in order to forestall organ rejection. Please take annotation that implants are NOT transplants. Therefore those with implants can take the product safely.

I consume a counterbalanced diet, sleep well and practise on a regular basis. Do I still demand to have Immunocal®?

Immunocal® is benign in maintaining skilful health. Ageing inevitably affects our energy level and quality of life. It has been shown in The Lancet, a renowned British medical periodical, that GSH levels subtract precipitously as nosotros age. The reverse is also truthful. Free radical production increases as we age. This contributes to ageing symptoms and decline in wellness. If nosotros desire to maintain good health as we historic period, information technology is important to take Immunocal® to maintain our GSH levels so that the A.I.D. (A.I.D.) functions in our body are optimized.

When is the best time to take Immunocal®?

We highly recommend starting time thing in the morning or after your body has been fasting for a few hours. This will enhance poly peptide absorption and amino acrid utilization. Have at split up times if you are taking multiple pouches per day.

Can y'all overdose on Immunocal®?

There have been no reports of toxicity from overdosing with Immunocal® . Glutathione is a tightly regulated intracellular elective and is limited in its production by negative feedback inhibition of its ain synthesis through the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, thus greatly minimizing any possibility of overdose.

Which product complements Immunocal®?

Immunocal Booster® is an excellent complement to Immunocal®. The Immunocal Booster® is powered by our exclusive Nrf2 catalyst™, sulforaphane from broccoli seed extract, selenium and over threescore polyphenols and phytonutrients from U.s.a. certified organic fruits and vegetables, seeds and roots.

How should Immunocal® be stored?

Immunocal® should be stored in a cool dry place to maximize shelf-life and to preserve efficacy. Nosotros advise temperature of 21-32 degree Celsius.

What Is Immunocal Used For,


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